What is Theraphi?

Theraphi is an advanced technology that uses plasma light and low-frequency sound waves to create a special energy field that benefits the body. Inspired by ancient Egyptian knowledge, the device uses plasma lamps to stimulate and rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul.

By producing a special type of energy field, Theraphi can:

  • Reverse the effects of aging and degeneration
  • Reduce inflammation and promote healing
  • Increase cellular energy and vitality

The Theraphi is a plasma healing device that generates a pulsed electromagnetic field based on the principles of **scalar wave** technology and **Phi ratio (Golden Mean)**. It is designed to promote healing and rejuvenation by creating a bio-active field that interacts with the body’s cells and energetic systems. Here’s what it does for a person:

1. Deep Healing and Pain Relief: Theraphi is believed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, helping with pain reduction, inflammation, and accelerating tissue repair. It can be used for a variety of chronic pain conditions and injuries.

2. Cellular Regeneration: The system is thought to encourage **cellular rejuvenation**, promoting longevity and helping repair damaged cells. Some claim it assists in healing wounds, regenerating tissue, and improving overall vitality.

3. Increased Energy and Circulation: By optimizing the body’s energy flow, Theraphi can increase blood circulation and enhance oxygen delivery to tissues, boosting energy levels and reducing fatigue.

4. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: The field produced by the device is said to have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote relaxation. It is also thought to harmonize the body’s energy, making users feel more centered and balanced.

5. Immune System Support: Theraphi may enhance the body’s immune response by improving cellular function and reducing oxidative stress, supporting overall health and wellness.

6. Enhanced Recovery: Many users report quicker recovery times from illness, surgery, or physical strain, as well as improvements in chronic conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and neurological disorders.

7. Wellness and Anti-Aging: Due to its claimed ability to improve cellular function and energy flow, Theraphi is also used as a longevity tool, aimed at slowing the aging process and promoting general wellness.

The energy field created by Theraphi has several benefits, including helping to reverse the effects of aging, reducing inflammation, and boosting healing. It also increases energy at the cellular level, improving overall vitality. Because this energy is the opposite of harmful conditions like inflammation and abnormal cell growth, Theraphi supports your body’s natural healing processes, offering a holistic way to promote overall wellness.

While Theraphi is based on advanced quantum physics concepts, its therapeutic claims are considered experimental, and its efficacy can vary depending on individual responses. It is typically used in wellness centers and alternative therapy clinics.

What are the effects of a Theraphi session?

Theraphi is more than just relaxation; it’s a holistic wellness experience that rejuvenates your entire being. By balancing your body’s energy fields and promoting cellular regeneration, Theraphi can:

  • Reduce inflammation and improve circulation, even in areas where sensation has been limited.
  • Induce feelings of bliss and euphoria, often leading to vivid dreams and astral projections.
  • Energize your body and accelerate your metabolism, enhancing blood circulation and bodily sensations.
  • Support healing by optimizing blood and nerve circulation and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.

While Theraphi can be deeply relaxing, it may also leave you feeling energized and alert due to its stimulating effects on metabolism and heart rate.

What do I need to do to prepare for a Theraphi session?

It’s important to be well hydrated before each session. We suggest at least 1-gallon of water within the 24-hours before your session.

What should I wear to my Theraphi session?

It is best to wear soft comfortable clothing made of natural fibers if possible. Blankets are available upon request.

*One of our psychic clients tells us that wearing silk fabric can increase the effectiveness of the session.

Will I need to remove any clothing for my Theraphi session?

You will NOT need to remove any clothing if you are dressed in the recommended clothing. However, you will need to remove shoes, socks, jewelry, and any type of metal objects such as belts with a metal buckle.

Should I eat before a Theraphi session?

It’s best to have your session on an empty stomach. However, if you must eat, a small snack is okay.

Can I have my cell phone or other electronic device with me during my Theraphi session?

No, all electronic devices must be kept away from the Theraphi table for a distance of at least 4 feet.

Will anyone be in the room with me during my Theraphi session?

You will be alone depending on the treatment, unless requested otherwise. However, the room is monitored by camera.

What is the investment for a Theraphi session?

A 30-minute session is $77.00. Recurring clients please ask about package deals.

Theraphi Plasma Array
Theraphi Plasma Array
What do I do after my Theraphi session?

Be well hydrated after each session; drink at least 1-gallon of water within 24-hours following your session.

Grounding activities such as: walking barefoot on grass, or earth, or swimming in ponds, lakes, or the ocean are highly recommended.

Can I do my Theraphi session with crystals?

Yes, you can. Please clean your crystal (energetically) before using it during your session. The crystal can get imprinted with the Theraphi field and your intentions during the session.


Theraphi is an experimental wellness technology that uses plasma light and low-frequency sound waves to create a bioactive energy field. Modeled after the Antoine Priore device, which showed promising results in treating diseases like cancer and cysts, Theraphi helps increase circulation, stimulate the body, and promote healing. However, it is important to understand that Theraphi is still experimental, and no medical claims can be made until more formal studies are conducted.

The device operates with high voltages and currents, so only trained personnel should use it. Theraphi is believed to accelerate metabolism and improve circulation, which can be helpful for individuals with low energy levels or poor blood flow. It has been known to induce a “still point” in the spine’s fluid pump, which is seen as a turning point in the healing process, potentially leading to increased circulation and pain relief.

However, those with fast metabolisms or nervous dispositions should proceed cautiously, as overexposure can be counterproductive. While Theraphi has helped many with pain, numbness, and circulation issues, it is important to use it responsibly and remember that these results are anecdotal until further research is completed.

Please visit www.Theraphi.net or TheraphiOffical.com for further information, Thank You!

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