white ceramic mug with sliced lemon beside white ceramic mug on brown wooden table

Haus of Life & Co.

Cannabis Education and Coaching

Did you know that cannabis has a long history as a safe and effective treatment for many ailments suffered by humankind? Recent research is proving that cannabinoid therapy helps with a surprising multitude of health issues, including: lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, improving sleep disorders, reducing pain and inflammation, and so much more.

You will work with your cannabis coach to learn tools to support your long-term health and wellness goals, so you can use cannabis as more than just a band-aid to cover symptoms.

Your Cannabis coach begins by educating you about the full depth and breadth of the cannabis-hemp plant and the multifaceted ways the plant can help you and the planet become Homeostatic. It has been proven that Cannabinoid Therapy helps with Lowering Blood Pressure, Reducing Inflammation, Preventing Relapse in Drug and Alcohol addiction, Treating Anxiety and Sleep Disorders, Treating Gastrointestinal (GI) Disorders, Preventing Seizures, Fighting Cancers, and so much more…

Once empowered with this knowledge, your confidence will be on overload and you will become an active participant in your own cannabis care so you can meet your health and wellness goals. We teach our clients how to integrate Cannabinoid Therapy as a tool for larger health and wellness, and not just to be used as a bandaid to cover symptoms.

*We are not a dispensary, but we can recommend certain cannabinoid therapy products and have a number of products available for purchase.